Therapies Using Sound, Frequency & Vibration

The Full Story
Hi, I'm Rea. I began exploring alternative medicine about 28 years ago, seeing the problems within the current Western medicine paradigm. I am passionate about holistic health and discovered that by using specialized tuning forks, along with sound scientific methodologies, people can and will heal from almost anything. My practice was founded on the principle of the whole person, where I assess and treat the four major human energy groups (chakras, meridians, the biofield, and subtle energy bodies) as well as working directly on the physical body using weighted tuning forks and microcurrent devices through the acupuncture points, neurolymphatic points, neurovascular points, and meridian alarm points.
Sessions at Infinite Energy Sound Therapy & Wellness are tailored to each individual's needs based on health and energetic assessments, and no two sessions are ever the same. As a gifted intuitive and empath, I offer many different modalities at the clinic, which blend technology and the esoteric. Using a consciousness-based approach to health and healing by addressing the whole person, I blend the intuitive with science-based assessments utilizing investigative tools including the Bio-Well, heart rate variability, electroencephalograph (EEG), Quantum Health Analysis, and Tennant Microcurrent device.
From more than two decades of research, I developed the Infinite Energy Method, a powerful intuitive sound therapy modality based on concepts from quantum physics and delivered through the use of specialized tuning forks to create vibration and sound beneficial in transforming the subtle energies of the body, mind, emotions, spirit, and biofield. This complex multi-disciplinary method is based on practices including traditional Chinese medicine, Chakra theory, energy medicine, applied kinesiology, somatic release, binaural beats, hemi-synch, Medical Qi Gong, and sound therapy.
I have done my homework - I hold a Bachelor of Science in Natural Health & Nutrition, a Master's Degree in Integral Health/Life Physics, and am nearing completion of a PhD in Subtle Energy Physics/Integral Health focussing on sound, frequency and vibratory medicine (all from privately funded accredited universities).
Aside from my practice, I am first and foremost a visionary, and curious seeker - always on the hunt for new and unique methods of healing. My vision for the future of medicine is anchored in a knowing that most healing will occur through working with subtle energies and frequencies. I am currently writing my first book on the Infinite Energy Method and sound-based therapy.
I look forward to meeting you and hearing your story.